Eläketurvakeskus - Selaus asiasanan mukaan "statistics (data)"

    • Earnings-related pension recipients in Finland 2020 

      Official Statistics of Finland: Social Protection 2021Statistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions : 07/2021 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 27.08.2021)
      The publication includes statistics on Finnish earnings-related pension recipients, new retirees on an earnings-related pension and earnings-related pension expenditure. The data covers all private and public sector statutory ...
    • Earnings-related pension recipients in Finland 2021 

      Official Statistics of FinlandStatistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 23.09.2022)
      The publication includes statistics on Finnish earnings-related pension recipients, new retirees on an earnings-related pension and earnings-related pension expenditure. The data covers all private and public sector statutory ...
    • Earnings-related pension recipients in Finland 2022 

      Official Statistics of FinlandStatistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions : 07/2023 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 20.09.2023)
      The publication includes statistics on Finnish earnings-related pension recipients, new retirees on an earnings-related pension and earnings-related pension expenditure. The data covers all private and public sector statutory ...
    • Eläkkeellesiirtymisikä Suomen työeläkejärjestelmässä 2018 

      Kannisto, Jari
      Eläketurvakeskuksen tilastoja : 03/2019 (Eläketurvakeskus, 17.04.2019)
      Julkaisussa tarkastellaan eläkkeellesiirtymisikää tätä tarkoitusta varten kehitetyn mittarin, eläkkeellesiirtymisiän odotteen, avulla. Julkaisussa esitetään eläkkeellesiirtymisiän odotteen määritelmä ja laskutapa sekä ...
    • Pension Indicators 2021 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports : 07 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 28.10.2021)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Pension Indicators 2022 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports : 08/2022 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 24.11.2022)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Pension Indicators 2023 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports : 06/2023 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 11 / 2023)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Persons insured for an earnings-related pension in Finland 2021 

      Official Statistics of FinlandStatistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions 02/2023 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 23.01.2023)
      This publication includes the 17–68-year-olds covered by Finnish earnings-related pension acts. It presents information on those insured for an earnings-related pension, those who are retired and on the earnings of wage ...
    • Persons insured for an earnings-related pension in Finland 2022 

      Official Statistics of FinlandStatistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions : 02/2024 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 31.01.2024)
      This publication includes the 17–68-year-olds covered by Finnish earnings-related pension acts. It presents information on those insured for an earnings-related pension, those who are retired and on the earnings of wage ...
    • Pocket Statistics 2021 

      Statistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions : 4 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 29.06.2021)
      Pocket Statistics comprises key statistical data on pension provision. It also includes information on the overall social security and population of Finland. The publication is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.
    • Statistical Yearbook of Pensioners in Finland 2020 

      Official Statistics of Finland: Social protection 2021Statistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions 11/2021 (Finnish Centre for PensionsThe Social Insurance Institution of Finland, 28.10.2021)
      The publication contains information on all pension recipients and new retirees within the earnings-related and the national pension schemes, as well as of the pension expenditure.
    • Statistical Yearbook of Pensioners in Finland 2021 

      Official Statistics of FinlandStatistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions 11/2022 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 10 / 2022)
      The publication contains information on all pension recipients and new retirees within the earnings-related and the national pension schemes, as well as of the pension expenditure.
    • Statistical Yearbook of Pensioners in Finland 2022 

      Official Statistics of FinlandStatistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions : 11/2023 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 31.10.2023)
      The publication contains information on all pension recipients and new retirees within the earnings-related and the national pension schemes, as well as of the pension expenditure.
    • Suomen työeläkevakuutetut 2014 tilastojulkistus 

      Suomen virallinen tilasto (Eläketurvakeskus, 12 / 2015)
    • Suomen työeläkevakuutetut 2015 tilastojulkistus 

      Suomen virallinen tilasto (Eläketurvakeskus, 12 / 2016)
    • Suomen työeläkevakuutetut 2016 tilastojulkistus 

      Suomen virallinen tilasto (Eläketurvakeskus, 12 / 2017)
    • Suomen työeläkevakuutetut 2017 tilastojulkistus 

      Suomen virallinen tilasto (Eläketurvakeskus, 12 / 2018)
    • Suomen työeläkevakuutetut 2018 tilastojulkistus 

      Suomen virallinen tilasto (Eläketurvakeskus, 12 / 2019)
    • Suomen työeläkevakuutetut 2019 

      Suomen virallinen tilasto: Sosiaaliturva 2020Eläketurvakeskuksen tilastoja 13/2020 (Eläketurvakeskus, 11.12.2020)
      Julkaisu sisältää keskeiset lukumäärätiedot kaikista Suomen työeläkejärjestelmän piiriin kuuluvista 17–68-vuotiaista henkilöistä. Lisäksi tilastossa esitetään tietoja palkansaajien eläkettä kartuttaneista ansioista sekä ...
    • Suomen työeläkevakuutetut 2019 tilastojulkistus 

      Suomen virallinen tilasto (Eläketurvakeskus, 12 / 2020)