Eläketurvakeskus - Selaus asiasanan mukaan "state of health"

    • Body weight and premature retirement : population-based evidence from Finland 

      Viinikainen, Jutta; Tikka, Santtu; Laaksonen, Mikko; Jääskeläinen, Tuija; Böckerman, Petri; Karvanen, Juha
      European Journal of Public Health : 4 (Oxford University Press, 19.07.2021)
      Background Health status is a principal determinant of labour market participation. In this study, we examined whether excess weight is associated with withdrawal from the labour market owing to premature retirement. ...
    • Incentives, Health, and Retirement: Evidence from a Finnish Pension Reform 

      Ollonqvist, Joonas; Kotakorpi, Kaisa; Laaksonen, Mikko; Martikainen, Pekka; Pirttilä, Jukka; Tarkiainen, Lasse
      VATT Working Papers (Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus, 05.07.2021)
      We analyse the effects of changes in retirement incentives on retirement behaviour, and in particular whether individuals' health status modifes the effects of retirement incentives. We study these issues in the context ...