Eläketurvakeskus - Selaus asiasanan mukaan "population structure"

    • Municipality-level differences in disability retirement in Finland: the contribution of local social characteristics 

      Laaksonen, Mikko; Perhoniemi, Riku; Blomgren, Jenni
      Scandinavian Journal of Public Health (Sage, 20.06.2024)
      The risk of disability retirement varies considerably between Finnish municipalities. This study shows that the differences are mainly explained by the individual characteristics of residents, while the effect of municipal ...
    • Pocket Statistics 2021 

      Statistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions : 4 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 29.06.2021)
      Pocket Statistics comprises key statistical data on pension provision. It also includes information on the overall social security and population of Finland. The publication is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.