Eläketurvakeskus - Selaus asiasanan mukaan "employment pensions"

    • Determinants of disability pension applications and awarded disability pensions in Finland, 2009 and 2014 

      Perhoniemi, Riku; Blomgren, Jenni; Laaksonen, Mikko
      Scandinavian Journal of Public Health (Sage, 02.05.2019)
      Aims: Examining the non-medical determinants of applying for and being awarded disability pension is important for assessing the functionality of the disability pension system. We examined how demographic and socioeconomic ...
    • Earnings-related pension recipients in Finland 2020 

      Official Statistics of Finland: Social Protection 2021Statistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions : 07/2021 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 27.08.2021)
      The publication includes statistics on Finnish earnings-related pension recipients, new retirees on an earnings-related pension and earnings-related pension expenditure. The data covers all private and public sector statutory ...
    • Earnings-related pension recipients in Finland 2021 

      Official Statistics of FinlandStatistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 23.09.2022)
      The publication includes statistics on Finnish earnings-related pension recipients, new retirees on an earnings-related pension and earnings-related pension expenditure. The data covers all private and public sector statutory ...
    • Earnings-related pension recipients in Finland 2022 

      Official Statistics of FinlandStatistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions : 07/2023 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 20.09.2023)
      The publication includes statistics on Finnish earnings-related pension recipients, new retirees on an earnings-related pension and earnings-related pension expenditure. The data covers all private and public sector statutory ...
    • Eläkkeellesiirtymisikä Suomen työeläkejärjestelmässä 2018 

      Kannisto, Jari
      Eläketurvakeskuksen tilastoja : 03/2019 (Eläketurvakeskus, 17.04.2019)
      Julkaisussa tarkastellaan eläkkeellesiirtymisikää tätä tarkoitusta varten kehitetyn mittarin, eläkkeellesiirtymisiän odotteen, avulla. Julkaisussa esitetään eläkkeellesiirtymisiän odotteen määritelmä ja laskutapa sekä ...
    • Employment in youth and pension accumulation in Finland : How recent pension reforms account for early career employment 

      Ilmakunnas, Ilari; Kuitto, Kati (Edward Elgar, 10.03.2023)
      One way to buffer individuals against career uncertainties and gaps is to lengthen the period during which mandatory pension accumulation occurs. Recent Finnish pension reforms lowered the age from which earnings-related ...
    • Finland: Pension reforms in Finland 

      Kuivalainen, Susan; Kuitto, Kati (Edwar Elgar, 2022)
      This chapter provides a review of pension reforms in Finland which were implemented since the early 1990s. The Finnish pension system is rather unique, with a nearly universal coverage and a dominant role of the public ...
    • How to Claim your Pension from Abroad 

      (Eläketurvakeskus, 14.06.2022)
      This booklet is intended for persons who have worked and accrued a pension from abroad. It contains information on how to apply for a pension from abroad and describes the application process. The brochure offers useful ...
    • Incentives, Health, and Retirement: Evidence from a Finnish Pension Reform 

      Ollonqvist, Joonas; Kotakorpi, Kaisa; Laaksonen, Mikko; Martikainen, Pekka; Pirttilä, Jukka; Tarkiainen, Lasse
      VATT Working Papers (Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus, 05.07.2021)
      We analyse the effects of changes in retirement incentives on retirement behaviour, and in particular whether individuals' health status modifes the effects of retirement incentives. We study these issues in the context ...
    • Introduction to Youth Employment Insecurity and Pension Adequacy 

      Kuitto, Kati; Hofäcker, Dirk (Edward Elgar, 10.03.2023)
      In this introductory chapter, we frame the topic of the edited volume Youth Employment Insecurity and Future Pension Adequacy in a wider context of pension and labour market research and illustrate how the collection extends ...
    • Partial old-age pension : A picture of claimants in 2017–2020 

      Nivalainen, Satu; Riekhoff, Aart-Jan; Tenhunen, Sanna; Salonen, Janne
      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Studies : 06/2021 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 05.01.2022)
      This report investigates partial old-age pension claimants during the first four years the pension has been available, 2017–2020. We use register data covering all eligible persons, and examine background characteristics ...
    • Partition of the Life Course: An Extended Dynamic Microsimulation Analysis 

      Salonen, Janne; Tikanmäki, Heikki; Lappo, Sampo
      International Journal of Microsimulation : 3 (International microsimulation association, 31.12.2021)
      This study explores life courses in a dynamic microsimulation framework at a time of high public interest in prolonging working lives. We provide new insights into how historical records could be merged with microsimulation ...
    • Pension adequacy and sustainability : An evaluation of the Finnish pension system 

      Andersen, Torben M. (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 17.09.2021)
      An international and independent evaluation of the Finnish pension system conducted by Professor Torben M. Andersen (Aarhus University) at the request of the Finnish Centre for Pensions. Available only online.
    • Pension contribution levels and cost-sharing in statutory and occupational pensions : a cross-national study of eight European countries 

      Vidlund, Mika; Mielonen, Antti; Väänänen, Niko; Kesälä, Meeri; Lavigne, Anne
      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports : 7/2022 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 10.11.2022)
      This report provides a comprehensive view on pension contribution income levels in eight European countries: Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Compared schemes include basic and ...
    • Pension Indicators 2021 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports : 07 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 28.10.2021)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Pension Indicators 2022 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports : 08/2022 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 24.11.2022)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Pension Indicators 2023 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports : 06/2023 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 11 / 2023)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Persons insured for an earnings-related pension in Finland 2021 

      Official Statistics of FinlandStatistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions 02/2023 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 23.01.2023)
      This publication includes the 17–68-year-olds covered by Finnish earnings-related pension acts. It presents information on those insured for an earnings-related pension, those who are retired and on the earnings of wage ...
    • Persons insured for an earnings-related pension in Finland 2022 

      Official Statistics of FinlandStatistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions : 02/2024 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 31.01.2024)
      This publication includes the 17–68-year-olds covered by Finnish earnings-related pension acts. It presents information on those insured for an earnings-related pension, those who are retired and on the earnings of wage ...
    • Pocket Statistics 2021 

      Statistics from the Finnish Centre for Pensions : 4 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 29.06.2021)
      Pocket Statistics comprises key statistical data on pension provision. It also includes information on the overall social security and population of Finland. The publication is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.