Säteilyturvakeskus STUK - Selaus tekijän mukaan "Nakamura N"

    • International study of factors affecting human chromosome translocations 

      Sigurdson AJ; Ha M; Hauptmann M; Bhatti P; Sram RJ; Beskid O; Tawn EJ; Whitehouse CA; Lindholm C; Nakano M; Kodama Y; Nakamura N; Vorobtsova I; Oestreicher U; Stephan G; Yong LC; Bauchinger M; Schmid E; Chung HW; Darroudi F; Roy L; Voisin P et al (2008)
    • International study of translocations in control populations 

      Kleinerman R; Ha M; Bhatti P; Hauptmann M; Sigurdson A; Tucker JD; Šrám R; Beskind O; Tawn EJ; Whitehouse C; Lindholm C; Kodama Y; Nakamura N; Vorobstova I; Oestreicher U; Stephan G; Yong L; Bauchinger M; Chung H-W; Darroudi F; Roy L; Barquinero J; Living (2006)